Add to cart MICHEL VAILLANT cut flat steel dinghy Michel Vaillant 1 nail hunting side + 1 dinghy side €16.80 €20.16
Voir les déclinaisons Working gloves Nym Fit without pimples Très fins, confortables et résistants €4.60 €5.52
Voir les déclinaisons Steel shoe Euroskill draught front 10 mm 1 clip WERKMAN Werkman Idéal pour les traits sportifs €5.55 €6.66
Voir les déclinaisons Feetactiv Oil - Essentiel Force 2 Michel Vaillant Activates the growth of quality horn following lesions of the horny box (hoof cracks, seedy-toe, etc.). It is particularly recommended for dry feet with fragile, brittle horns. €13.33 €16.00
Développé par des maréchaux Voir les déclinaisons Alu shoe Parabolix front 3 clips MICHEL VAILLANT Michel Vaillant Parabolic coverage : wide toe-narrow branches-wide heels €28.30 €33.96
Développé par des maréchaux Voir les déclinaisons Alu shoe JMD Onionix front 3 clips MICHEL VAILLANT Michel Vaillant Limits sinking of the heels. Protects the bars and the heels. €30.60 €36.72
Add to cart Light weight nail cutter KNIPEX Knipex Light weight nail cutter. Forged steel. €34.00 €40.80
Add to cart Economic farrier apron MICHEL VAILLANT Michel Vaillant Ideal for horse owners, apprentices, vets... €139.10 €166.92
Voir les déclinaisons Extension with automatic roller 18 or 35 m long, section 3x1,5. €245.00 €294.00
Add to cart Magi-Weld welding compound SWAN Swan Welding compound for easy welding in gas forge and also coal forge. €51.00 €61.20
Voir les déclinaisons Steel straight bar shoe 2 clips JIM BLURTON Jim Blurton Excellent finish, roll toe €19.00 €22.80
Add to cart Gun for silicones MV2 MICHEL VAILLANT Michel Vaillant Dispensing gun for MV2® Fast Cushioning sil & PU - 200 ml cartridges €133.90 €160.68
Add to cart Asymmetrical spreader GBE Asymmetric conception, to allow either arm to spread. €142.00 €170.40
Add to cart Preserved standard hoof - Sagittale section Preserved standard hoof sagital section. €241.50 €265.65
Add to cart Latéral mouth speculum Stainless steel combined with a solid moulded rubber block. €240.00 €288.00
Add to cart Forepunch wooden handle JIM BLURTON Jim Blurton For E5 nails, nice drop forged steel. €70.00 €84.00
Add to cart Mixing tips for MV2 cartridges Michel Vaillant Mixing tip for MV2® Fast Cushioning cartridges 200 ml. €0.80 €0.96
Add to cart Forge hammer with ball PICARD Picard English design. Handle in Hickory. 825 gr. €47.90 €57.48