Add to cart Diamond sharpener SAVE EDGE Save Edge Allowing sharpening of the gouge. Very fine grain. €58.00 €69.60 favorite_border
Add to cart Renette Sharpener - Backstand 800C Scantool Grinding machine 800C €727.00 €872.40 favorite_border
Add to cart Hoof gauge Mustang NC TOOLS NC Tool For accurate measurement of hoof angle, hoof in hand. €165.00 €198.00 favorite_border
Voir les déclinaisons Large rasp 17" SAVE EDGE Save Edge Wider and longer Save Edge rasp. €69.00 €82.80 favorite_border
Add to cart Rasp 14" SAVE EDGE Save Edge Excellent gentle cutting action and durability. €57.00 €68.40 favorite_border
Add to cart Photo Finish rasp 14” SAVE EDGE Save Edge Pour des finitions parfaites €59.00 €70.80 favorite_border
Add to cart Boss aluminium shoeing box NC TOOLS NC Tool Nice shoeing box. Double shelf, 2 rasp holders. light. €504.70 €605.64 favorite_border
Add to cart Hind hoof craddle for footstand NC TOOLS NC Tool To work on the hoof. Adjustable hoof cradle. €74.20 €89.04 favorite_border
Voir les déclinaisons Forging tong NC TOOLS NC Tool Quality fire tong excellent value for money. Thickness 8 or 10 mm. €52.00 €62.40 favorite_border
Add to cart Adjustable hoofstand NC TOOLS NC Tool Adjustable hoofstand with a pastern support (optional) €339.90 €407.88 favorite_border
Voir les déclinaisons Steel shoe Eventer front 1 clip ST CROIX FORGE St Croix Forge Bevelled outer rim to facilitate the breaking over €4.83 €5.80 favorite_border
Voir les déclinaisons Alu shoe Eventer front 2 clips ST CROIX FORGE St Croix Forge Ultra light, totally bevelled outer rim to facilitate breaking over. €11.72 €14.06 favorite_border
Voir les déclinaisons Steel shoe Advantage front 1 clip ST CROIX FORGE St Croix Forge Smooth movement while in control €4.59 €5.51 favorite_border
Voir les déclinaisons Steel shoe Concorde front without clip ST CROIX FORGE St Croix Forge Races or polo €4.16 €4.99 favorite_border
Voir les déclinaisons Alu shoe Concorde front 1 clip ST CROIX FORGE St Croix Forge €6.26 €7.51 favorite_border
Voir les déclinaisons Steel shoe Concorde X-Tra front 1 clip ST CROIX FORGE St Croix Forge Very nice quality and excellent finish €4.16 €4.99 favorite_border
Voir les déclinaisons Alu shoe Concorde X-Tra front 1 clip ST CROIX FORGE St Croix Forge Grande résistance à l'usure et très léger €6.45 €7.74 favorite_border
Voir les déclinaisons Steel shoe Concorde Equi-Librium front ST CROIX FORGE St Croix Forge High performance racing shoe €4.16 €4.99 favorite_border
Voir les déclinaisons Alu shoe Concorde Equi-Librium front 2 clips ST CROIX FORGE St Croix Forge Designed for racehorses, it strikes a balance between performance and overload. €7.03 €8.44 favorite_border
Voir les déclinaisons Alu shoe Wedge 2° Concorde front 1 clip ST CROIX FORGE St Croix Forge Wedge Concorde model €6.45 €7.74 favorite_border
Add to cart Felt disc for Grinding machine 800C Scantool Suitable for the 800C sharpener. €57.70 €69.24 favorite_border
Add to cart Polishing bar for Grinding machine 800C Scantool Compatible with the 800C sharpener. €28.80 €34.56 favorite_border
Add to cart Gas forge Whisper Baby 1 buner NC TOOLS NC Tool Propane/butane. Economic. Inside size 177 x 165 x h 76 mm. 16 kg. €885.80 €1,062.96 favorite_border
Add to cart Gas forge Whisper Daddy 3 buners NC TOOLS NC Tool Propane/butane. Economic. Inside size 305 x 228 x h 152 mm. 32 kg. €1,493.50 €1,792.20 favorite_border
Voir les déclinaisons Anvil forged Kanca Acier forgé (et non pas moulé). Excellente qualité. 35 ou 50 kg. €381.10 €457.32 favorite_border
Add to cart Big Face anvil NC TOOLS 30 kg NC Tool 2 clipping horns + turning cams. 30 kg. €810.00 €972.00 favorite_border