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Reinforced Horse Biotin Apple Force 3 - Pellets Format

It stimulates the growth of a healthy horn in case of soft, fragile, or brittle hooves, hoof cracks, seedy-toe, and ridges following laminitis, for example. It also improves the growth and maintains the epidermal tissue in case of dry skin, dull coat, or sparse mane. The apple flavor guarantees the appetence of the horse. Horses love it. The best efficacity-price-quality ratio of the market with a cost of €0,78 € all tax included /day / 1 month and a half/ 1 horse.
€80.57 €85.00
Horse Biotin CMV Oméga3...

Horse Biotin CMV Oméga3 Force 4 - Pellets format

Rich in biotin and promotes optimal regeneration of healthy horn. Protects joints and improves their flexibility. Favorable for muscle gain. Action on the skin and hair! Healthy regeneration of the horn, the skin, and hairs / Strengthens muscles, tendons and joints / Facilitates digestion Cost of €1.93 including tax/day.
€56.87 €60.00